Field Trials
Field Trials
RFmondial has a long term experience in conducting extensive tests and field trials throughout the world in various digital radio systems. A list of conducted field trials using the DRM digital radio standard can be found at:

Due to our commitment to innovative technology we are pursuing various engagements in research, development and standardization:
- LADB: Linearization of Combined Analog and Digital Broadcasting Signal (BMWi)
- AI4Mobile: Data architecture, reduction algorithms and visualization for KI applications (BMBF)
- DRM+ diversity receiver together with the University of Hannover (BMWi)
- DRM+ field trial with transmit delay diversity and single frequency networks (SFN) - Project together with private regional radio broadcasters (Antenne Niedersachsen, radio ffn) and Bosch
- Evaluation of DRM+ technology in VHF Band III (174-230MHz)
- C-PMSE - The Cognitive Program Making Special Event (C-PMSE) project works towards the future and cooperative usage of the UHF spectrum. The project is organized in a consortium of research and industry and funded by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi).
- Cross-compliance of DRM+ transmitter and receiver hardware
- As a contributing Member of the DRM Consortium we are active with the following positions: Executive Board Member, Steering Board Member, System Evaluation Lead DRM+