EDI/MDI Player (MultimediaPlayer Professional)
The MultimediaPlayer Professional based on Fraunhofer Technology exploits the full potential of digital radio on a PC. Along with providing radio programs in stereo and 5.1 surround sound, it offers the full spectrum of standardized radio services.
Basic Features
- Decoding of a complete multiplex from DCP
- Audio decoding and streaming
- Service and ensemble metadata, announcements and emergency alerts
- Dynamic Labels, Dynamic Label+, Intellitext, TextMessages
- Journaline, SlideShow, EPG, TPEG
- In-depth statistics

To exploit the full potential of digital radio on a PC the Multimedia Player is used integrated in the professional DAB / DAB+ Monitoring Receiver.
The DAB/DRM Multimedia Player works best with DRM/DAB Content Server based on Fraunhofer technology.